Selected Questions and Answers

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Florida, USA, June 8, 2001
(Originally in English) Videotape No. 716

Q: Master, I just wanted to let you know that in medicine, people are waking up. I don’t know if you saw that Newsweek and Time recently published “The Power of Yoga.” Also, they’re studying the physiology of ecstasy and spiritual experience.

M: It’s about time!

Q: So it made big headlines; you may have seen.

M: They had difficulty, but they kind of admit indirectly that God exists.

Q: In that article it was funny because they said kundalini yoga was the easiest yoga and that hatha yoga was the most difficult.

M: These are all exercises; we have to go beyond that. Actually, when you practice the Quan Yin Method, sometimes you also feel the kundalini awaken. It’s more natural than having it start right at the bottom of everything. We start at the top, and everything has to go up. It’s better than starting at the bottom, and climbing. If you happen to have a bigger bottom, then it can take a long time! (Laughter)

Q: But it’s becoming an issue because so many people are going at it blindly, and then having problems. They come to physicians because of all kinds of symptoms and issues. So it takes a whole way of organizing to make sure that there’s no negative effect from the people’s practice. They practice on their own because they hear about all of this, and they’re doing whatever they want to do.

M: I know. You guys are lucky. How many people have gone “cuckoo” because of spiritual malpractice? I have told you and everyone many times: Either don’t do anything, or go and find the real Teacher to learn it correctly, the one who can be behind you and support you all the way through, from here to Heaven. Otherwise, you’ll get lost in some “nihilism” or void somewhere. The void is big and the universe is vast; where will you go without a Guide?

And, of course, you are bound to bump into some astral entities or a black hole. You could get lost forever, and that would be terrible! It’s better not to fool with the universe, especially spiritual power. If you fool with atomic bomb power, that’s scary enough already. But even that, you can handle; that’s physical. But something invisible or unknown, if you tamper with it: Oh, my God, I can’t even begin to think about it!

Q: In the article on ecstasy, the issue also is that people get certain glimpses, and then they get frustrated because they don’t have guidance after that.
M: Yes, it’s true. Well, they should search. Nowadays, if you don’t find a Master, it’s your own fault. There’re e-mail and websites; there’s everything, everywhere. The Supreme Master is everywhere, all over. Whenever I turn on a computer, I stare directly at myself. “Who’s that? My God!” (Master and everyone laugh.)

It’s so easy to question today. But I don’t know. Maybe it’s not easy for lay people to understand who is who. And they don’t know whom to trust, and so they just go with the wind. It’s a pity, though. That’s why you guys are there. You’re all over; you’re omnipresent. You can tell everyone what is what and who is who. You are the thousand arms of Quan Yin Bodhisattva (the Goddess of Mercy) and the thousand eyes of Quan Yin Bodhisattva. You’re everywhere. You do things, you talk and you walk.

That’s why I tell you to walk like a Buddha. If you can’t walk like that every minute of the day, at least walk in the Center like a Buddha. Here we only have Buddhas, and nothing else. So, just be one. Otherwise, you stand out like a sore thumb in the forest of Buddhahood here.

Q: So the only thing that prevents us from becoming our Buddha Nature is believing that we are not Buddhas?

M: Yes, that’s the only thing!

Q: And it’s as simple as that?

M: Yes, it is. But it’s not that simple, because your mind makes it very complicated. You make Buddha or God something far away, something untouchable, something unapproachable. And as you think, so you become. If a fish doesn’t know where the ocean is while she’s swimming in it, there’s no one who can help her. If she doesn’t know where the ocean is, in which she’s swimming right now, she’ll never know anywhere else, no matter how far she travels. It’s the same as what I’ve told you: Going to the Himalayas is of no use. You should stay here, and work with your own Himalaya. (Master points to the wisdom eye.)

Stay wherever you are; you have to know God right there. Because Hes is everywhere. I keep telling you that God is omnipresent and omnipotent. Is that just a joke? And “The Kingdom of God is within you.” Is that a joke, or did Jesus tell a lie? Or, “Buddha is within you.” Did Buddha make a joke about emotional trust? No! They all told the Truth. So you just have to remind yourself every day, “I am a Buddha.” And if you don’t know that you are Buddha, do something Buddha-like. For example, help other people to get enlightened. The more you help people in any way, the more enlightened you become and the more you realize, “Yes, I have this power.”

Once you talk to other people, your Buddha Nature will come out and talk to them. You will realize, “My God, can I talk like this? Look who’s talking! (Laughter) I never knew how to talk like this before.” The more you use this Buddha power inside you, the more you sincerely wish other people to be enlightened naturally. Not like you’re coercing or forcing or blackmailing them, but naturally. The more it comes out, the more you realize, “I do have this power! Otherwise, where else does it come from? How could I talk like this?” Once you recognize your eloquence and your convincing power, you’ll convince yourself, too. Well, thanks to you, I became a Buddha. That’s what it means. Because if you didn’t need me, I would probably just put my Buddhahood to the side and go play football. (Laughter)

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