Panorama of Events
Report from Japan


[Chibaken] At a time when vegetarianism is yet to be widely accepted in their country, Japanese initiates find it all the more important to popularize the vegetarian diet through all possible means. So, recently, a group of fellow practitioners pooled their efforts and resources to start the Pension Rikigen Holiday Village at a scenic coastal location in Tateyama-Shi, Chibaken. The Holiday Village is a beautiful, quiet place that covers 1,500 square meters, faces the sea and is flanked by a mountain on one side. It takes only five minutes to walk from the Village to the seaside, where visitors can enjoy blue skies, cool breezes and the sweet smell of the ocean. The resort offers a wide variety of vegetarian cuisine to tourists and area residents alike, and provides guest accommodations, tennis courts and a building that can be used by fellow initiates for group meditation.

Since Pension Rikigen's construction, its widespread acceptance by the local community has given the initiates much consolation. Some of the resort's neighbors have even decided to follow a vegetarian diet, while two ladies sent flowers for Master's birthday celebrations. Many visitors who come to eat or spend a holiday at Pension Rikigen eagerly pick up Master's sample booklets or make further inquiries about Her teachings. Normally, people who vacation by the sea choose to eat seafood, which is why the Pension Rikigen Holiday Village, known for no smoking, no alcohol and a vegetarian cuisine, is unique in the area. It has attracted many guests, who bestow great compliments on the cooking staff after enjoying their delicious, meat-free meals.

Japanese initiates plan to hold a wide variety of activities at the Pension Rikigen Holiday Village, such as Chinese tea-drinking demonstrations, vegetarian cooking classes and free vegetarian food sampling parties, to create more opportunities for people to follow the right path and attain the Truth.



Contact information:
Pension Rikigen
86-1, Hasama, Tateyama-shi, Chibaken, Japan 294-0307
Tel: 81-470-20-9127 / Fax: 81-470-20-9128

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