Panorama of Events


Conveying Master’s Teachings at the
Philippine Festival Celebration

[Manila] On May 5, 2002, the City of Zambales recognized Fiesta Day, a major Philippine holiday, with a lively and boisterous celebration. Initiates from the Philippines took this opportunity to distribute Master’s sample booklets and News magazines to local residents. In a joyful spirit, participants received copies of Master’s sample booklets, with many gazing in fascination at Master’s picture on the cover. Numerous visitors immediately registered to learn the Convenient Method, after comprehending Master’s teachings on the spot.

In the Philippines, keeping a vegetarian diet is very difficult, but with sincere hearts, the participants were ready to do so to reach their spiritual goals. In the two weeks since the celebration, many have changed from meat eating to vegetarianism, with some also learning the Convenient Method.

During Fiesta Day at Zambales City, Master’s sample booklet, a precious gift for local citizens, bestows infinite blessings on the people.

On her first day of meditation, one new Convenient Method practitioner had types of inner experiences that she had never experienced in her life. She was so touched that she cried throughout her half-hour meditation. She saw Master come to save her, and felt so happy that she was moved to tears. After each group meditation session, the Convenient Method practitioners express their happiness and gratitude to Master.

Fellow practitioners in Manila thank Master for giving them another opportunity to help both themselves and the people of the Philippines grow spiritually through the Fiesta Day celebration.

Report from Germany
Report from Ghana
Report from Canada
Report from Indonesia
Report from Philippines
Report from Formosa

Events Datebooks

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