This exquisite cookbook featuring international vegetarian cuisine contains beautifully printed texts and pictures that reveal the cooking secrets of fellow practitioners from around the world. What makes this volume even more invaluable are its many wonderful recipes personally imparted by Supreme Master Ching Hai. The recipes cover a wide variety of exotic Western and Asian dishes. Even if you are not adept in the culinary arts, with the step-by-step guidance of this book, you can prepare many delectable vegetarian dishes with little effort! These recipes bestowed on us by God are best shared with friends and relatives!

I Have Come to Take You Home
<Romanian Edition>

We are all perfect beings from Heaven. However, since we are constantly affected by a myriad of environmental factors, we often fail to see our original Self clearly, and are thus trapped in the ocean of worldly suffering. Only by finding our true Self within and recognizing our great Self-nature can we attain liberation. The invaluable spiritual text, I Have Come to Take You Home, is a compilation of excerpts from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lectures given in various parts of the world that can help you in this quest. Her words of wisdom, like radiant beacons, illuminate the path back Home for sentient beings craving liberation from the illusory world.

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