During my life before initiation I followed diverse spiritual paths, but on each one I was conscious of a deep uncertainty, a doubt that could only be resolved by finding true inner peace. And so this desire for peace was the basis of all my prayers to God.

Since childhood, I have been haunted by the idea of death, and the ultimate meaninglessness of worldly existence. As a committed Catholic, I was taught that life’s only purpose is to glorify God, and because of this I enrolled in a seminary to study for the priesthood, thinking that this could be the only way to reach Hirm.

Years passed and events occurred for which I could find no logical explanation with my limited human mind. Being a rational person, however, I kept looking for another path, but never left my fundamental base in Christianity. Working as a high school teacher for twenty-six years, I had the opportunity to learn many important life lessons from children and teenagers, but the doubt remained.

Then, several years ago, during my desperate search for peace of mind, I came to the conclusion that I should become a vegetarian and live a more ascetic life, paying less attention to material things and focusing instead on mysticism and spirituality. I would thus have to change my lifestyle completely.

After reading a number of books on meditation, however, I began to realize that it was not necessary to leave my ordinary life of work, family and friends to reach God; so I began to look for an appropriate method of meditation that I could practice as a layperson.

At first I chose a very expensive meditation program, but when I was ready to begin the practice, my lovely partner, who became a vegetarian long before I did, reminded me that if I spend too much for a meditation method, it is possible that it will not lead to God because God cannot be reached through money. So I returned to my prayers, asking Hirm again for the true method.

God must have finally felt pity on me because I eventually came across a magazine that discussed the Quan Yin Method, a definitive meditation technique that was taught completely free of charge by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

I called the phone number listed in the magazine, and a contact person answered. Later I learned the Convenient Method, after which time all the spiritual signs that I discovered led me to the same place, where an Ocean of Love and Wisdom filled my heart. Afterwards when I received the Quan Yin Method, I felt as if I were flying on a cloud, and I reached the peace that I had been looking for all my life, the peace that makes me finally feel I am the owner of my heart and life.

Thank You, Master.