Report from Australia

Marulan Initiates Joyfully Celebrate
the Opening of a New Center


[Marulan] On August 29, 2003, initiates from Marulan invited friends and neighbors to commemorate the grand opening of their freshly painted, spacious and beautiful new center with a delicious vegetarian feast. And soon after the opening, a group of initiate-handymen converted a double garage at the center into a meditation hall with a large lounge attached. In addition, eight temporary shower stalls with water storage tanks were built, and the meditation hall, entrance, campsites, kitchen, showers, toilets and other areas were brilliantly illuminated with electric lights, adding to the venue’s warmth and welcoming ambiance.

Then, thanks to the assistance of brothers and sisters from the Sydney and Canberra Centers, the place was ready for a two-day opening retreat, which began on Saturday, September 13. The Center’s subsequent Moon Festival celebration was a wonderful way to round off the grand opening activities, as adults and children alike reveled in a blessed atmosphere of beauty and happiness, content with presents in hand, and satisfied by an enjoyable entertainment program.


A Delightful Retreat in a Tranquil Setting

[Byron Bay / Northern Rivers] In mid August 2003 initiates from Byron Bay / Northern Rivers enjoyed a two-day retreat at their local center, which delivered them to a state of elevation. All of the participants were fully charged with bliss at the end of the event.



~~ Events Date Book ~~

To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events worldwide.

You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives. For the latest schedule of our Truth-sharing activities, please visit the following URLs: (English) (Chinese)