Masters are very humble; they don’t desire any kind of physical
or mental worship. They just want to make you a Master too. They just
want to make you realize that you yourself are a child of God, that
you yourself are great. They want to make you as great as you should
be. Because no Master ever thinks that He or She is better than anyone
else. They know that everyone is equal — equal in every sense
of the word, here and in Heaven.
it’s human nature that if someone teaches others something so
blissful and rare as Heaven on Earth, of course they mostly worship
that person. We can do this if we still feel we need to worship a Master,
but the best form of worship is to become a master yourself. By this
I mean a master of your own life, a master of your own wisdom, a master
of your own destiny and a master of your own sincerity, being true to
yourself in every way. We can only do this when we know ourselves completely
for who we really are. Then we can be truthful, and can live our lives
in a masterful way.
not that we have to forsake the world to know God. No, no! God made
everything for us to enjoy. Hes makes a beautiful woman to be your wife
so that you can love her, gives you beautiful, wonderful children so
that you know how to love them, protect them and sacrifice for them
and thus know what unconditional love is.
of this God wants you to have. But if we have only the world and don’t
have God, we have only half of it. We don’t even have half of
it; we have only a little bit because we’ll lose it all. But once
we have God, we have everything. Seek you first the Kingdom of God,
and everything else will come to you. That’s the promise God made
to us before we were even born, but we forget it. And that’s a
pity for us. We should reclaim our right, reclaim our glory, reclaim
everything that we have because we own the whole universe.
a saint, and enjoy the world at the same time. Be a rich, beautiful
saint. When I was just a little bit enlightened, I followed in the footsteps
of many ancient Saints and renounced everything. I didn’t care
about anything; I didn’t want anything; it didn’t appeal
to me anymore. But then God said to me, “You must have everything.
I’m going to give you everything, more than you could ever want
or need. You have to show the world that I’m the Father and that
I can give you anything and everything, as well as spiritual awakening.
You don’t have to forsake anything in order to love Me because
I love you, whatever you are.”
told me I have to do this; I have to do it the glorious way. So I said,
“All right, Father, whatever You want.” I would rather be
simpler; it’s less work. But Hes likes it this way. Fine! Besides,
you like me beautiful, no? It looks more pleasant to the eyes.
I said to Hirm, “But Father, ancient Saints like Buddha and Jesus
walked barefoot. They wore simple clothes and went begging for food.
Why do You want me to have all these things? How will that work?”
Because most people in this world expect or are used to Saints Who renounce
everything, Who don’t have anything, Who look poor and Who walk
said, “No! It’s a different time. Modernize! You have to
be up-to-date, in step with the times.”
I have all these things that I don’t even care for. If you saw
me on the street, you’d see me as very simple. But I’d have
a walkie-talkie, telephone, fax, e-mail — all kinds of “spiritual
equipment.” I have a lot of spiritual weapons that I have to use:
One hand has a phone and another a fax, an e-mail and so on. Otherwise,
I can’t do this job the way Hes wants.