Master's Words

Meditation Brings Positive Thoughts to Fruition



Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, San Jose, CA. USA, March 20, 1996
(Originally in English)   Videotape #539

Situations can sometimes change because of people's thoughts. Inside, if a person's thoughts change, the situation can change. That's why predicting anything in the future is hardly ever accurate because the future can change with a person's thought patterns. So don't blame the clairvoyants for talking nonsense or predicting things that don't come true. Sometimes it's like that; things are supposed to be a certain way but then the person changes because they have a strong will, because they've become more moral or because they've repented for their sins and vowed to improve. Then the situation changes immediately. There's no need for God or for anyone to explain the situation. It's really like that.

That's why if you ask me what will happen tomorrow I won't tell you because I don't know! Only someone stupid would tell you what will happen tomorrow. Maybe it's possible for one individual, but only if that individual stays in the same pattern or living standard. If he or she has even one thought of improvement, his or her destiny can change.

This means that destiny is in our hands. So make sure you control your destiny and bring it into a desired state or living standard. You do control your destiny. Of course we're influenced by karma; that's why we have to struggle and decide what to do. But we must always keep our mind positive and use the power of meditation to make our positive thoughts come true. If you don't meditate and if you don't have the power of the creative Almighty force inside, it doesn't matter how positively you think; the thought won't come true. So don't listen to people who say, "Just think positive and everything will be positive." That's nonsense! Can it happen that way? If I just think that I have money, will I? Positively, will I have money? Just think! Try, try! You don't have to work! (Laughter) Just think positively that you'll have money, and tell me how much you have! (Laughter)

It can't happen by thinking alone. The back-up power must be strong. Where does this power come from? From the Most High. You get it through your meditation; you're recharging then. So don't just sit there and think; you must meditate, too. Just like thinking about money doesn't help: We must have a bank account, and the account must be full of money, or at least full enough to cover the checks.
