All Life Becomes Beautiful through Sincere Spiritual Cultivation

Quan Yin Highway

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Washington, D.C., USA,
International Four-day Retreat, December 26, 1997
(Originally in French and English) Videotape #608

Q1: I don't really have a question. There's just something I'd like to say: When I was first initiated I had a lot of questions concerning the world and all sorts of things. But all my questions were answered one after another.

M: From inside?

Q1: Yes, from inside and through Your cassettes, videos and books.

M: That's true.

Q1: What I'd like to say is that everything You say is of the utmost importance. Even the smallest thing we should cherish and keep as precious.

Your teachings contain everything that one needs to succeed, and the meditation gives all that one needs to succeed. We have everything inside for the approaching Golden Age so we must really take even the smallest thing seriously.

I want to thank You for having brought us such a precious gift. I'd also like to thank You on behalf of others as well as myself for coming to save us. That's how I feel because I was once lost in the world, struggling with all sorts of questions but now I'm someone else. I have a goal, and at least I know where I'm going. Thank You very much, Master.

M: You're welcome.

Q2: Hallo, Master. I really agree with the brother who just spoke. That's what I think, too. I've been initiated for one year and I don't have a lot of experiences, but all my life around me is more beautiful. I feel nobler; my relationships are better, including those with my family, and I think this is a real miracle and that the experiences will come later if I continue to practice.

M: Yes, of course. Some people have inner experiences of Light and Sound every day. Some have just Sound and the Light is faint or dim or only occasionally appears. Others have a lot of Light but the Sound is very dim. This is due to concentration.

Also, concentrative power is different for each person because of things like karmic background, integration with others and the people or things the person has contact with. And sometimes a person might eat impure food without knowing it or associate unknowingly with someone whose karma is very heavy.

But even in such cases, a practitioner's life can change drastically for the better all the time. He or she will become more loving, wiser and freer from the burdens of attachment to the greed, lust and sorrow of this world. That's the fruit of the truly intelligent, diligent and honest practitioner. But we have to practice in order to have this benefit.

Q2: I really think this is the way to change the world--to change ourselves first. This is the only solution, and I'd like to thank You for all this change and for the courage You have to do all this work and for all the things You give us.


The Ultimate Panacea for All Problems

The Ultimate Panacea for All Problems

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Boulder, Colorado, USA,
March 9, 1991 (Originally in English)   Videotape #159

  My big obstacle right now is not loving myself fully and completely, and a lot of us aren't taught to love ourselves and give ourselves full respect when we're growing up. So I find that I often create hindrances for myself and beat myself up as so many of us do. I was just wondering if you could comment on that, about something to motivate us to go farther.

M: Yes, I have one solution--the Quan Yin Method. First you have to know how great you are and then you can love yourself. Once you know that everything you do is God's will, you won't blame yourself for things that you think you did. Because we're not the doers. You'll understand more about what makes us do this and that and why, and about how we just do things without really having to control them. But it doesn't mean we do bad things. It's just automatically being in the right way.

Loving ourselves is difficult because we don't know ourselves. Based on social conventions and customs we think we're the ones who do this bad thing and that bad thing so we blame ourselves. Also, we get blamed from childhood. Whatever we do our parents think, "That's naughty, that's lousy, that's bad." So we get this guilty feeling from childhood and it's difficult to get rid of. The only way to free ourselves is to know how great we are and to directly know our real greatness. That's why many people do not, cannot love their neighbors because they can't love themselves. How can we love ourselves if we don't know how great we are. It's difficult. That's why I offer you this method to allow you to know your great Self and then you stop everything else. So it's a pity that not everyone knows this. That's the only way, the best way, the fastest way, the safest way without any side effects. So I tell you the only cure that I know of for all ills, all kinds of self hatred or other hatred, all kinds of ignorance, all kinds of frustration, all kinds of suffering, all kinds of misunderstanding--everything gets cured by self knowledge, by directly knowing God.