Elevation of the Soul

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Latest DVD

(In English with subtitles in 25 languages)
The Real Heroes
Lecture excerpts in Stanton, CA, U.S.A. May 19, 1991



This DVD features Supreme Master Ching Hai's lecture on the intriguing truth about vegetarianism, and includes an exclusive interview conducted by The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association with award-winning actress and animal rights advocate Ms. Linda Blair. In Her lecture, Master emphasized the importance of the vegetarian diet not only for health and economic reasons, but also because of compassion and for saving the world. This program premiered on i: Independent Television (formerly PAX) Television Network on June 26, 2005, and received overwhelmingly positive response from the viewing audience. For vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike, the valuable information on this DVD deserves deeper exploration.


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