Creating a Compassionate and Vegetarian Global Village
Romania, Ukraine and Slovakia

People Are Open to
a Compassionate Lifestyle

By the Hungarian News Group (Originally in Hungarian)

Between June 5 and 8, three Hungarian initiates embarked on a journey to distribute Alternative Living flyers in a few cities around the borders of Hungary.

Our first stop was Oradea in Romania, just on the other side of the border. People in large numbers accepted the flyers and read them with interest. We met a few people who were already vegetarian, and from them we learned that there is a vegetarian restaurant in the city run by people of the Seventh Day Adventist faith. We went to the restaurant and were able to talk to the owner. All the employees of the restaurant were excited and happy to see us; they accepted 2,000 flyers to display and for further distribution to their customers. They were happy to know that the flyers are free! The next day we distributed in Cluj. A few years ago we held Master’s video seminar there, and now we were glad to notice a big change in people’s openness. While during our previous visit, their response was not always positive; now everyone was kind, most of them took the flyers, and many people asked about the vegetarian lifestyle. Even those who said they couldn’t live without eating meat had no problem with the principles of vegetarianism, and took it seriously. Some people were really grateful when they discovered that we came from another country to share this information with them, and they expressed their heartfelt gratitude, saying, “May God bless you.” By mid afternoon we distributed all the Romanian flyers that we had. We simply were not prepared for such a positive attitude!

On the third day of our tour we visited two cities in the Ukraine: Mukacevo and Uzgorod. The people’s reactions here were quite similar. In Mukacevo, which has about 80 thousand inhabitants, we distributed 3,000 flyers in just 3 hours; almost 4% of the population of that city got our beloved Master’s personal message that day!

On the last day of our tour we went to Kosice, the second biggest city in Slovakia. A large part of this beautiful inner city is closed to vehicles, with beautiful churches and many restaurants. Here we found people to be really relaxed and happy, and in just a few hours we distributed almost all of the Slovakian flyers that we had. Again, we found vegetarian people, and a vegetarian bar as well.

Altogether we distributed about 28,000 flyers in the four days. Although we spent many hours on the road, none of the cities were really big. Such an overall success really surprised us! For one sister, this was the first time she had a chance to participate in such an activity, and she was especailly happy and uplifted to be able to do, as she said, “something really meaningful.” We truly found what Master said is true: “The more love we give, the more love we receive.”

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