Elevation of the Soul


Supreme Master Ching Hai's Latest DVD


DVD-645 (Spoken in English, with 32 choices of subtitles)

Connecting Yourself with God

Lisbon, Portugal, May 7, 1999 (European Lecture Tour)

Highlights: An enlightened Master is worshipped by the whole universe and absolutely does not have to undergo any suffering. Why then did Jesus Christ suffer? According to scientific research, most people use only five to ten percent of their brain power. How can we make good and complete use of our power? Apart from work and family, what is the most important thing in life? Do we have to forsake the whole world in order to realize God? How can we live as contemporary saints, practicing spiritually and enjoying life at the same time? In Her lecture, Master emphasizes the importance of meditation and offers this guarantee: "Every one of us can contact God, because we are all equally Hiers children. When you've found the right method, the right way, God just appears."

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