Spiritual Interludes

By brother initiate Ming-bai, San Francisco, USA

I have found a guideline from Master's teachings that can help me check my actions, speech, and thoughts!

In daily life, no matter what happens or what we decide, if we believe and remember firmly that "God is almighty and merciful; all that Hes arranges is for the best," then we will harbor no grudges, hatred, wrath or vengeance. When undesirable things happen, the best solution is to quickly find out the true cause behind them, instead of indulging in the thought that good things mean good luck and bad things mean bad luck! We ought to thoroughly check our actions, speech and thoughts and introspect on whether we have recently thought, spoken or done anything against God's will. Experience tells me that when I find their true cause, these seemingly negative situations will vanish automatically!

I deeply realize that every "negative" situation conveys a "positive" message. That is why, whatever happens, I always practice introspection to find out its true cause. All suffering and unhappy incidents are a temporary process, through which God guides us toward goodness in accordance with the law of cause and effect. God never means to let us suffer! Having realized this point, we will naturally be grateful to God, whatever happens.

The Positive Meaning of Negative Situations
Transforming Obstacles into Benefits
The Virtuous Make No Enemies