Supreme Master Ching Hai's TV Program


Master’s Heavenly Message
Spreads around the World

Since its initial Formosa broadcast in May 2001, Supreme Master Ching Hai’s TV program A Journey through Aesthetic Realms has been widely acclaimed by the public, and beginning in October 2005, the program will be broadcast on four ETTV satellite channels in Formosa and abroad for even more viewers to enjoy.

The program originally aired on CTI TV and will now be telecast on Formosa's ETTV and the additional satellite channels, ETTV Asia, ETTV America and ET-China of ETTV Latin America, so that overseas audiences can be blessed by Master's precious teachings.

A Journey through Aesthetic Realms
on ETTV Satellite Channels:
ETTV ETTV Channel 32: Sunday 08:30-09:00 ( Taipei time)
(First Broadcast in
Formosa on October 2, 2005 )
*Web Site: ETTV Entertainment Channel

Coverage includes 27 countries in Asia and Oceania, including Mainland China, Au Lac (Vietnam), Cambodia, Japan, Korea, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macao, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Australia and New Zealand.
Sunday 10:00-10:30 (Taipei time)
(First Broadcast on
October 2, 2005 by cable/satellite TV)
*Web Site: ETTV Asia: * ETTV Asia * Satellite TV service * Cable TV service
Coverage: North America: U.S.A. (including Hawaii and Alaska) and Canada
Saturday 10:00~10:30 (PDT [Los Angeles time])
(First Broadcast on
October 8, 2005 by cable/satellite TV)
*Web Site: *ETTV America
Cable TV service:
Southern California (Time Warner; Charter Communications; Adelphia; Champion; Altrio; Cox)
Northern America and Latin America: Introduction to Satellite TV service
ET-China of  ETTV Latin America North America: U.S.A. (including Hawaii and Alaska) and Canada
Central America: eight countries including Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama
South America: thirteen countries including Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Peru
Caribbean region: fourteen countries including the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Cuba
Sunday 10:00-10:30 (PDT [ Los Angeles time])
(First Broadcast on
October 9, 2005 by cable/satellite TV)
* Web Site(in Chinese): * ETTV Latin America *Satellite and Cable service

The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association also offers a series of videotapes of the Supreme Master's Truth-sharing TV program A Journey through Aesthetic Realms for broadcast by television stations in countries around the world. For further details, please email:

A Journey through Aesthetic Realms
24-hour Internet Global TV channel:

Formosa Site (in Chinese, English, Spanish)

 United States (in Chinese, English and Spanish)