Hungary Goulash soup


Ingredients: (See pic. 1)

1 onion, medium size (about 5dkg), chopped to very small
2 carrots, cleaned and cut to thin slices
2 parsley roots, clean and cut to thin slices
3-5 dkg celery root (celeriac), clean and cut to small cubes (pic. 2)
6 pieces of medium size potato, clean and cut to cubes (pic. 3)
Flour, general purpose
Spices: salt, turmeric, Hungarian paprika, ground caraway seed, ground black pepper, Vegeta, parsley leaves

Preparing pinched noodles:

2,5 dkg flour (2 tablespoon)
Add a pinch of turmeric for color (turmeric can be left out) and a large pinch of salt.
These ingredients are kneaded with one tablespoon water into a stiff dough, then teared into small pieces. Plunge the stiff dough piece into flour and pinch off some little flat pieces (5x5x2 mm) from it and drop them onto a plate. Continue this until all the dough is gone. During this procedure the plate can be shaken gently so the small noodles do not stick each other. (pics 4, 5, 6)

Preparing the soup:

The chopped onion is sauted in a large saucepan for about 10-15 minutes with 6 tablespoon oil (e.g. sunflower oil) on medium-low heat until soft, but not brown. Then add spices (pic 7): 3 teaspoon Hungarian paprika (sweet, not hot!), 2 teaspoon ground caraway seed, 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper. Stir, then add the slices of carrot, parsley root, and celery cubes (pic 8). Stir and cook on slow fire for 10 min, then mix in the potato cubes and cook for further 5 minutes.
Then add 1 liter of water and the pinched noodles. Add one teaspoon salt and half teaspoon spice mix (in Hungary it is called „Vegeta”, it is a general purpose soup spice mix, with some MSG in it also). The soup spice mix can be left out.

Quickly bring to boil, then simmer for 15 minutes on medium heat, until the vegetables soften (pic. 9) Add another half liter of water, and boil once more (pic. 10). Chop 4-5 parsley leaves into fine pieces, and mix into the soup at the end. Serve with bread.(pic. 11)

Variations and comments:

This is the exact recipe of goulash soup that Master tasted in Hungary, February 2005.

The spices can be changed according to people’s preference, like the amount of salt and caraway. It is also excellent when hot red paprika (or some chili) is added during or after preparation of the soup, according to people’s taste. For authentic taste it is important to use real (imported) Hungarian paprika.

If someone likes it, you can add chunks/cubes of textured vegetable protein (not tofu), or gluten, this way it is more filling. (The traditional Hungarian goulash has beef meat in it, also.) For this, soak one handful of dry textured soy protein with pure water, or ’Vegeta’ containing water. When it picked up water to its capacity and get soft, press the water out by hand. Add the soy cubes/chunks right after adding the paprika into the soup mix. The final amount of water has to be also increased in this case, add 0,3-0,4 liter more water.

The pinched noodle can be left out, also. In this case more potato can be added as replacement.

Parsley root may not be available in the US. Parsnip is close to it, but probably better not to use it as a substitute, since it has a sweet taste that parsley root does not have. The stalks of parsley chopped into small pieces can be used, if root is not available. If you get a feeling of what good goulash is, you can vary a little bit the vegetables in it, too.

Vegeta: Ingredients: Salt, dehydrated vegetables, (carrot, parsnip, onions, celery, parsely leaves) monosodium glutamate, sugar, cornstarch, spices, disodium inosinate, riboflavin (color).
In the US you can use just a pinch of MSG instead, or better try to find a similar seasoning mix. Actually, you can also buy Vegeta in the US:

Goulash in Hungary used to be and can be a complete main course, especially if it is made more filling.


材  料(四人份)

‧中型洋蔥1個(大約50公克或1.7 oz),切碎
‧荷蘭芹根(parsley roots) 2顆,切薄片 (以上三項見附圖一)
‧肥根芹菜(celeriac) 30至50公克 (1~1.7 oz),切丁(附圖二)


‧3茶匙匈牙利紅椒粉(Hungarian paprika)
‧2茶匙香芹籽粉(caraway seeds)



(1) 放6大匙沙拉油入鍋內,用中小火炒洋蔥末,大約十到十五分鐘到洋蔥變軟即可,無需炒到金黃色。加入匈牙利紅椒粉(味甜而不辣)、香芹籽粉、黑胡椒粉,攪拌均勻後(附圖七),加入紅蘿蔔片,荷蘭芹片及肥根芹菜丁,拌炒均勻(附圖八) 小火煮10分鐘,再放入馬鈴薯煮5分鐘。

(2) 加入一公升的水及捏好的麵疙瘩、鹽、調味料粉(在匈牙利,Vegeta是含人工味精的調味料,可不放),用大火煮滾後轉中火,蓋鍋蓋煮15分鐘直到蔬菜變軟(附圖九),再加半公升的水煮到滾,關火(附圖十),撒入荷蘭芹葉,拌勻即可 。搭配麵包食用。(附圖十一)



如果買不到荷蘭芹根,可用荷蘭防風草(Parsnip)替代,不過荷蘭防風草略有甜味(荷蘭芹根不含甜味),也可以將荷蘭芹莖切成小塊替代。若是能夠掌握匈牙利素燉肉湯的道地口味時,可在蔬菜的選擇上做變化 。
《譯註一》肥根芹菜(celery roots, celeriac)在中國大陸另有譯名為粗根
芹菜 (參考圖片)


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