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These are the shocking video clips about the animal cruelty.

Please help to save the animals and prevent the cruelty.

To play, please click on the image or the play button.

Animal Cruelty(2)

What you are about to see is beyond your worst nightmares. But for animals raised on modern intensive production farms and killed in slaughterhouses, it is cold, inescapable reality. Once you see for yourself the routine cruelty involved in raising animals for food, you'll understand why millions of compassionate people have decided to leave meat off their plates...for good.
Courtesy of PETA
Canada's Killing Fields
This year, more than 335,000 baby harp seals will be bludgeoned to death. Watch the video and sign the petition asking Canada’s prime minister to put an end to this annual atrocity.
Courtesy of PETA
Undercover Investigation: China's Fur Farms
Lady Heather Mills McCartney presents this shocking video. Heather tells viewers that while the footage may be difficult to watch, it is our responsibility as consumers to know where the products that we buy come from and to make informed and compassionate choices.
Courtesy of PETA
Animal Cruelty(1)
What you are about to see is beyond your worst nightmares. But for animals raised on modern intensive production farms and killed in slaughterhouses, it is cold, inescapable reality. Once you see for yourself the routine cruelty involved in raising animals for food, you'll understand why millions of compassionate people have decided to leave meat off their plates...for good.
Courtesy of PETA
Animal Cruelty(3), Slaughterhouse Scenes
What you are about to see is beyond your worst nightmares. But for animals raised on modern intensive production farms and killed in slaughterhouses, it is cold, inescapable reality. Once you see for yourself the routine cruelty involved in raising animals for food, you'll understand why millions of compassionate people have decided to leave meat off their plates...for good.
Courtesy of PETA
Would you like to end the cruelty in our world?
Would you like to stop war without weapons?
Would you like to contribute to peace without cost?
Would you like to save our planet?
Would you want to save your life?
Be Green.
Go Veggie.
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