Selected Questions and Answers

Being Detached is
Showing True Love
for the Departed

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Videoconference
with initiates from the Toronto Center, Ontario, Canada, August 4, 2002
(Originally in English) Videotape # 746

Q: I want to know whether You're still looking after my baby. I just lost her.

M: It's OK; she's not lost. I told you, they go to a better place than the one we're in. Don't worry.

Q: Are You still looking after her?

M: Yes, sure. She's gone, but to a better, better, place. Be happy.

Q: I just wanted to make sure.

M: Whoever goes away from this world, you should celebrate for. Of course, as mother, sister, brother or father, we have human emotions, and we want to have that person near us physically. But we forget that we're not physical. OK, I understand; I sympathize with you, but please, be happy for the soul.

Besides, you should know the karma. Some people have karmic connections with us for one second. Some people have them for only two minutes, some people for one month, some people for two weeks and some people for a year, two years, ten years or fifty years. So the time has come, his karma is finished with us, his affinity with us is dissolved, and he's gone. No one belongs to us.

No one is really our son or our daughter. No one is. They're all the children of God. They come to us for some special reason. Some come and go quickly to remind us that the world is ephemeral and to "Go ahead, practice quickly." And some come to take some of our possessions and so on because we owe them something. They want to come and clear up their debt with us so that we'll be free to go afterwards. Some come to give us prosperity, luck or happiness because they owed us from last time, when they didn't do it well. And after they've done their job, they go back to where they should go.

I hope you feel happy and consoled now. You'll feel very light if you let it go. If you really understand that, and you let the soul go, you'll feel much happier, you'll just feel joy. That's the joy of detachment and true love because when you love someone, you want them to be in a happier place than where we are, and in a much better situation than what we can have right here. That's true, unconditional love.

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