Selected Questions and Answers

: Dear Master, since my initiation more than two years ago, I've noticed that both my parents' health has been progressing well, for which I'm very grateful to You. I know You've been quietly blessing both of them. Also You've been helping me all this time so for once please let me know how I can be of help to You.

Master :~

: Dear Master, why are creative people such as artists and writers often mentally or emotionally disturbed? Is it because most of them are trying to create something without doing spiritual practice, meaning without having God's blessing and love? Or is this just a part of their karma?

Master :~

: Dear Master, I have difficulty concentrating when I meditate. To help my meditation, I play Your chanting tape, read Your books and even put some of Your pictures around me. But I still struggle. Please tell me how to improve my meditation.

Master :~

: I want to know whether You're still looking after my baby. I just lost her.

Master :~

: Dear Master, how can I maintain the feeling of being one with all beings all the time?

Master :~

: Many times we experience so-called good and bad in our reality. Is this actually an illusion, and relative to a certain level of awareness? If so, is it true that so-called good and evil do not actually exist? Do we create them? And if we do, how do we go beyond them?

Master :~

: Our mental training is basically rational but achieving enlightenment isn't necessarily a rational process. So to maintain a high level of enlightenment, do we somehow have to suppress the logical aspect of our thinking?

Master :~