Selected Questions and Answers 

Enlightenment and Logic
Can Co-Exist

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Videoconference
with initiates from the Singapore Center, August 11, 2002
(Originally in English) Videotape # 745

Q: Our mental training is basically rational but achieving enlightenment isn't necessarily a rational process. So to maintain a high level of enlightenment, do we somehow have to suppress the logical aspect of our thinking?

M: No, it depends on whether your logical thinking is really logical, and your rational thinking is really rational. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes, if a whole group of people agrees on one thing, it doesn't mean that it's really necessarily logical or rational. So enlightened people see rational things as truly rational. It's not that you have to suppress your logical or rational thinking. It's just that you re-think more rationally, more logically, and are truly logical, truly rational.

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