Master’s Wonders


Eternal Care
from the Living Enlightened


By sister-initiate Shaozhen, Nantou, Formosa (Originally in Chinese)

My husband and I were initiated in 1995. Before our initiation, when we felt bored on a Sunday morning, we would turn on the TV and surfed the channels looking for something interesting. As we switched from channel to channel, our attention was caught by a lady delivering a spiritual discourse. After watching the program for a while, my husband and I turned to each other, and noticed that our eyes were filled with tears without knowing why. At that time we both felt that this was quite unusual.

We met a friend later and told her about our experience. She said that she had already received initiation from this Master and introduced us to the local contact person. During the first two years following our initiation, we practiced very sincerely and had many good spiritual experiences. However, in spiritual practice, if we do not continue to go further, then we regress, and especially the less we meditate, the more we regress. So after that period of time, my husband and I almost got lost; but Master never gave up on us lazy children.

One day, my husband felt pain in his spine, so I accompanied him to a chiropractor. The therapist, who knew we were practicing the Quan Yin Method, suddenly stopped the treatment. When my husband asked him why, he replied, “Your Master came and told me that you have not been to group meditation for a long time and you deserve to be spanked.” My husband jumped up from the therapeutic bed on which he lay. It was unbelievable since the chiropractor did not know whether we attended group meditations or not. Master was sending us a reminder even through a chiropractor. There was a group meditation that day, so we rushed to the Center. We thank Master for never abandoning us.

In 1999, a catastrophic earthquake occurred in Formosa. Our seventh-floor apartment shook as the building swayed and we could barely stand still. Power was cut off. We could only wait for the tremors to stop before we rushed out of the building in the dark. It was horrible as many houses collapsed. The government determined that our building was uninhabitable and had to be demolished. Everyone had to move out.

When we went home to pick up some possessions, we found that all of our wedding and family pictures on the wall had either fallen down or hung at oblique angles. Remarkably, Master’s pictures remained in place. We walked into our study room amazed to find tidy as though it had not been disturbed, because a lot of Master’s materials were there. Friends who came to help asked in surprise, “Have you cleaned up this room already?” To this, I said, “No, this is our first return since the earthquake.” Unlike the study room, our living room and bedrooms were in a mess. The most amazing thing was that one cabinet had collapsed and glass shards lay scattered around the doorway going out of our apartment. Yet when we escaped barefooted on the night of the earthquake, none of us got hurt! We knew it was Master who protected us from injury.

The earthquake took away our home, leaving us upset and lost. After some discussions, my husband and I decided to move in with his younger brother, who was then living alone in a big house. We rented a room from him and settled down. When we felt despondent, we thought of Master and we would feel Her strong supporting energy. My husband and I kept encouraging each other and finally we made it through this most difficult time. In 2001, we bought a piece of land and built a house. The construction went smoothly; even the construction company said so. Coincidently, one of the cement workers was also vegetarian. How lucky we were! We know all of this was by Master’s arrangement. Dear Master, thank You so much! We will forever love You!