Master’s Wonders


Little Miracles Every Day


Master shows us love not only by the grace of liberation
but in little miracles every day.

By sister-initiate Marian Hailey-Moss, New York, USA (Originally in English)

A couple of weeks ago, I had a terrible tooth ache after my dentist had worked on it. I suffered for five days and then called for another appointment. My dentist was on vacation, but I was told I could be seen by another person in his office. However, I couldn’t get an appointment; I would have to sit in the waiting room all afternoon hoping for a spot. I thought this was a sign I should just bear up and wait until my original dentist came back in three weeks.

I went to a Starbucks in my neighborhood and got a coffee drink to sooth myself. Walking back along the street, I saw an acquaintance heading my way.

“Where have you been?” I asked. “I haven’t seen you all summer.”
“Colorado,” she said. “But I have to hurry. My crown just fell out this morning and I’m going to the dentist.”
“Do you have a good one?”
“He’s terrific!” She said.

I looked him up in the phone book and called. They gave me an appointment that very morning. I had my tooth pulled and felt like a new person in about two days.

As if it weren’t enough that God had sent me an “angel acquaintance” to provide the name of a good dentist, as well as being given an appointment the same day, you’ll never believe the dentist’s name: Dr. Okay! Yes, really! He sure was “Okay” in my book!

Thank You, Master, for these and all the other little miracles of God’s love You send every day.

* Sister-initiate Marian Hailey-Moss is an acclaimed actress, writer and humanitarian.