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An Inconvenient TruthGlobal Warming,
the Environment and the Vegetarian Diet

By Singapore News Group (Originally in English)

The movie is “An Inconvenient Truth,” its spokesperson is Al Gore and the message is that humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb.
Announcement for the movie, “An Inconvenient Truth”

The movie’s premise is that over the past century, humanity’s impact has had an increasingly harmful effect on the web of life, the planet we call home. And today, the majority of the world’s top scientists are of the view that we have a small window time to reverse the destructive trend of human activities so as to avert major catastrophes on our planet such as “extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced.”

After losing his presidential bid in the year 2000, but convinced that he could still make a difference, former Vice President Al Gore re-channeled his energy into the mission of educating and informing the world that global warming is a real and present danger. Based on leading-edge research from top scientists around the world, Gore’s film is a call to action. Further, he maintains that global warming is not a political issue but a moral one, and all of us have the responsibility to do our part.

Accompanying the movie is a website,, outlining concrete steps that we can take in our everyday life to reduce the impact on global warming. These steps range from using energy more efficiently at home, to using recycled paper products, planting trees, car-pooling, buying more organic foods, eating less meat, etc.

In particular, the movie states that current agricultural practices are responsible for about a fifth of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, and that meat production heaps a heavy toll on the environment. According to the global warming research, two things are critical for sustaining life on Earth: adequate food resources and intact wilderness areas. Adopting a plant-based diet is a powerful way to reduce the amount of land needed to support human existence.
Mr. Al Gore speaking about
global warming

Moreover, many studies show that vegetarian foods greatly help in the prevention of heart disease, cancer and many other diet-related diseases. Compelling evidence can be found in the book by Professor T. Colin Campbell, The China Study, which says that, “In the next 10 to 15 years, one of the things you’re bound to hear is that animal protein is one of the most toxic nutrients of all that can be considered. Risk for disease goes up dramatically when even a little animal protein is added to the diet.”

Clearly, it is wise to change to a vegetarian diet for good. Not only is it good for our health as well as that of the environment, it is also part of the uplifting of planetary consciousness and goes hand-in-hand with the Alternative Living global campaign begun by our beloved Master.

As said by the great Indian Chief Seattle over 100 years ago, as quoted in John Robbins’ best selling book, Diet for a New America:

“… All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does it to himself.”

By taking such actions at the individual level as the Alternative Living flyer distribution, we can collectively, with God’s ongoing blessings, bring about a positive impact for the fate of planet Earth.