Panorama of Events



The Noble Supreme Master Television Is Progressively Gaining Root in Cameroon

By Cameroon News Group (Originally in English)

[Yaounde] Enthused by the impetus of promoting Supreme Master Television to the Cameroonian people, fellow initiates in Cameroon have mobilized an energetic campaign aimed at lobbying cable companies to subscribe to Supreme Master Television and also to sensitize the public on the availability of such a noble channel and the numerous benefits that can be derived by keeping regularly attuned to it. While the campaign has been initially mobilized in Cameroon’s two largest cities of Douala and Yaounde, it is geared toward a nationwide promotion.

Cable companies are being presented with PR leaflets about Supreme Master Television along with contact information. So far, many cable companies have expressed their approval of such a positive, inspirational channel and have pledged their willingness to take matters further.

On similar lines, leaflets are also being distributed to the public that contain information on Master’s Teachings as well as Supreme Master Television. Many recipients of the leaflets passionately voiced their amazement at the availability of such a morally and spiritually edifying channel and indicated their willingness to explore its ideals.

The campaign is part of an on-going initiative aimed at sharing Master’s boundless grace and compassion in Cameroon.

Events Datebook

To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events.

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